Our Mission: |
As a member of both the Garden Clubs of North Carolina and National Garden Clubs, this active Club has been in existence since 1958. Members of the Cary Garden Club pride themselves in being open to anyone wishing to join us and share their love of gardening.
Our monthly programs are fun and informative, our field trips to interesting gardens present an opportunity to explore the area, and our community projects are just waiting for your involvement. The enjoyment of being with fellow gardeners is contagious within the Club! You are invited to join us on the first Tuesday of each month as we gather to increase our knowledge of gardening in North Carolina and develop friendships. Then follow us to further socialize as we share together in an informal luncheon at a local eatery nearby. See our Programs page for a description of each month's program. If you would like to attend a monthly meeting, please contact us at [email protected]. |
We would love to connect with you. Usually, the Club holds meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30. Please contact us at [email protected] to confirm this location as it does change for special events and summer break. You are welcome to be our guest for two meetings as you decide whether you would like to become a member.
Meeting Location:
Cary Senior Center at Bond Park 120 Maury Odell Pl Cary, NC 27513 |